Locations & Responsibility
De la Madre Tierra
Producing a film in multiple locations can exhaust our Mother. We took steps as early as possible in the production to lessen our negative impacts on Her, especially because the film (in part) holds a mirror up to how our food system influences Her health, ultimately influencing ours.
We weren’t able to be as kind to Her as we wish we could’ve been. The systems that dictate our base choices — systems that can change — rarely granted us paths that would leave no trace.
Imperfectly, we practiced the following throughout the production:
Chose locations closer to our crew’s homes in the Midwest, High Plains, and the Bay Area
Opted for road trips over flying when possible
Planned efficient productions with limited movements between set-to-set
Materially limited our plastic and paper usage
Avoided chain restaurants and sought out local eateries that sourced food as responsibly as possible
At the end of our production, we calculated our CO2 emissions and paid for carbon offsets that went to soil health initiatives. We know that legitimate carbon offset programs aren’t easy to find, and we also acknowledge how purchasing offsets can easily lead to more behavior that produces emissions. This is why we focused on rethinking and reducing throughout the project more than offsetting.
We are advocates for a future where making a film about La Madre is regenerative, sustainable, non-extractive, and kind.
Shuumi Land Tax
In the Ohlone language Chochenyo, “shuumi” means “gift”.
Below is a description of the Shuumi Land Tax from the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust website:
The Shuumi Land Tax is a voluntary annual contribution that non-Indigenous people living on the Confederated Villages of Lisjan’s territory can make to support the critical work of the Sogorea Te’ Land Trust.
After filming in the Bay Area, we paid our portion of the Shuumi Land Tax in support of rematriation. Visit Sogorea Te’ Land Trust to learn more and to calculate your own shuumi.
We traveled to 10 locations to create this film. Thank you to all the hosts who made our visits safe and meaningful! All of our film locations are listed below in alphabetical order.
Atlanta, GA
Auxvasse, MO
Kansas City, MO
Mexico, MO
Mokelumne River Hatchery in Clements, CA
Nicodemus, KS
Oakland, CA
Rosebud Reservation, SD
Royal Oaks, CA
Washington D.C.